Why is My Hair So Flat?

Throughout the years there has never been a more common issue among women than health and beauty issues.  Why is my skin so dry?  Why can’t I get rid of this acne?  Why do I have to keep looking older? And finally, why is my hair so flat?  These are all troubling questions, only some of which that bother us on a day-to-day basis.  Although I am not a magician, nor expert in the field of everything ever created, I can help you with one of these.

When it comes to hair, I do like to consider myself as someone who has acquired quite a bit of knowledge over the short span of time I have spent on this earth.  One question that seems to arise when talking with clients, friends, acquaintances and family members has to do with not being able to do anything with their flat, lifeless hair.  Some have already given up and surrendered to the fact that they were born this way and this is something that just has to be accepted.  However, I believe that I can provide the remedy!

The first reason most women’s hair is flat is because it lacks girth.  By that, I mean that they simply don’t have the hair density to provide what most see as volume.  A simple solution to this can always be extensions.  Although pricey, this, I believe, is the very best solution.  If you pick the right extensions for your hair type, the right quality of hair to last you, and the right hairdresser to implement them, extensions are definitely beyond worth it.

I would either suggest tape-in extensions or keratin bonded extensions.  All other extensions seem to be not only out-dated, but threatening to what little hairs you may have left.  Tape-in extensions are typically strips of extensions that are the newest technology and safest for your hair.  This is because they adhere to your hair simply with a lightly adhesive tape that will fall out before any of your natural hair can come with it.  With saying so, the extension hair I buy and implement is of the best quality and though I may have to re-tape the hair once every 5-8 weeks, the hair itself can last up to a year or longer.  Keratin bonded extensions are individual extension pieces that are bonded with keratin (the protein your hair and skin are naturally made up of) and a slight bit of heat.  Make sure you find yourself a salon professional well educated in the art of extensions so that you can have them applied safely.

Extensions, however, can be expensive, thus unrealistic for most people.  Thankfully, there are other more cost-effective ways of remedying “flat hair.”  One of which is something that I was surprised most people do not know.  This is proper shampoo etiquette.  For example, if you put conditioner at your roots when you wash your hair, the conditioner will smooth the cuticle and weigh it down, leaving you with a stringy or less volumous appearance.  Also, shampooing your hair more than once each wash can ensure that your hair is clean and free of product residue and ready for lift.  Finally, the most important key to shampooing to ensure big hair is choosing the right products.

This brings me to my last point: product knowledge.  Depending on the client, I suggest either Hydrate.Me Wash and Rinse from Kevin.Murphy for the normal to fine hair types, or Plumping Wash and Rinse or Stimulate.Me Wash and Rinse by Kevin.Murphy for the extremely thin/thinning women or men as shampoos and conditioners.  Damage protectants are necessary too, as is avoiding extremely damaging processes being performed on your hair (if you can help it).  The damage manager that I love to suggest for almost all my clients is Staying.Alive by Kevin.Murphy (packed with nutrient rich vitamins while being very light weight).  I also love prepping the hair with blowdry products, i.e., Body.Builder mousse and Anti.Gravity volume lotion by Kevin.Murphy.  Lastly, there are products that are essential when the hair is dry for clients prone to “flatter hair,” such as a good dry shampoo (Fresh.Hair by Kevin.Murphy), texture enhancer (Doo.Over by Kevin.Murphy), and volume powder that can be used as a self-teaser and save your precious locks from breakage on those nights out (Powder.Puff by Kevin.Murphy).

There are many articles and products suggested for quick fixes, natural cures, and even flat out lies circling the internet these days.  I just hope that as a salon professional that is only looking out for the best interest of my clients (not paid by or affiliated with Kevin Murphy or any other brands/companies) that you may take a second look at the information I have to offer.  In addition to just looking at these suggestions, I sincerely hope that some of these can actually help you in your journey to recovering “life” to your bodiless hair.  I can only speak from experience through the eyes of countless clients and stylists around me along with the education I am continuously paying for, but I hope that this article has come to some sort of value to you as a reader.  I can guarantee, though, that everything I have written is factual and tested (on humans).  Therefore, I have full faith that I have given out the tools and possibly secrets to fuller more beautiful hair and I wish you good luck!

Tiera Agar